Diligent Engine API Reference
►NDiligent | Graphics engine namespace |
CBasicFileStream | Basic file stream implementation |
CBlendStateDesc | Blend state description |
CBox | Box |
CBufferBase | Template class implementing base functionality for a buffer object |
CBufferD3D11Impl | Implementation of the Diligent::IBufferD3D11 interface |
CBufferD3D12Impl | Implementation of the Diligent::IBufferD3D12 interface |
CBufferData | Describes the buffer initial data |
►CBufferDesc | Buffer description |
CBufferFormat | Buffer format description |
CBufferGLImpl | Implementation of the Diligent::IBufferGL interface |
CBufferViewBase | Template class implementing base functionality for a buffer view object |
CBufferViewD3D11Impl | Implementation of the Diligent::IBufferViewD3D11 interface |
CBufferViewD3D12Impl | Implementation of the Diligent::IBufferViewD3D12 interface |
CBufferViewDesc | Buffer view description |
CBufferViewGLImpl | Implementation of the Diligent::IBufferViewGL interface |
CCommandListBase | Template class implementing base functionality for a command list object |
CCommandListD3D11Impl | Implementation of the Diligent::ICommandListD3D11 interface |
CCommandListD3D12Impl | Implementation of the Diligent::ICommandList interface |
CComputePipelineDesc | Compute pipeline state description |
CD3D12ResourceBase | Base implementation of a D3D12 resource |
CDataBlobImpl | Base interface for a file stream |
CDepthStencilClearValue | Defines optimized depth-stencil clear value |
CDepthStencilStateDesc | Depth stencil state description |
CDeviceCaps | Device capabilities |
CDeviceContextBase | Base implementation of the device context |
CDeviceContextD3D11Impl | Implementation of the Diligent::IDeviceContextD3D11 interface |
CDeviceContextD3D12Impl | Implementation of the Diligent::IDeviceContext interface |
CDeviceContextGLImpl | Implementation of the Diligent::IDeviceContextGL interface |
CDeviceObjectAttribs | Describes common device object attributes |
CDeviceObjectBase | Template class implementing base functionality for a device object |
CDispatchComputeAttribs | Describes dispatch command arguments |
CDrawAttribs | Defines the draw command attributes |
CDummyShaderVariable | Implementation of a dummy shader variable that silently ignores all operations |
CEngineCreationAttribs | Engine creation attibutes |
CEngineD3D11Attribs | Attributes of the Direct3D11-based engine implementation |
CEngineD3D12Attribs | Attributes specific to D3D12 engine |
CFixedBlockMemoryAllocator | Memory allocator that allocates memory in a fixed-size chunks |
CGraphicsPipelineDesc | Graphics pipeline state description |
CHashMapStringKey | This helper structure is intended to facilitate using strings as a hash table key. It provides constructors that can make a copy of the source string or just keep pointer to it, which enables searching in the hash using raw const Char* pointers |
CIBuffer | Buffer interface |
CIBufferD3D11 | Interface to the buffer object implemented in D3D11 |
CIBufferD3D12 | Interface to the buffer object implemented in D3D12 |
CIBufferGL | Interface to the buffer object implemented in OpenGL |
CIBufferView | Buffer view interface |
CIBufferViewD3D11 | Interface to the buffer view object implemented in D3D11 |
CIBufferViewD3D12 | Interface to the buffer view object implemented in D3D12 |
CIBufferViewGL | Interface to the buffer view object implemented in OpenGL |
CICommandList | Command list interface |
CIDataBlob | Base interface for a file stream |
CIDeviceContext | Device context interface |
CIDeviceContextD3D11 | Interface to the device context object implemented in D3D11 |
CIDeviceContextGL | Interface to the device context object implemented in OpenGL |
CIDeviceObject | Base interface for all objects created by the render device Diligent::IRenderDevice |
CIFileStream | Base interface for a file stream |
CIMemoryAllocator | Base interface for a raw memory allocator |
CInputLayoutDesc | Layout description |
CINTERFACE_ID | Describes unique identifier |
CIObject | Base interface for all dynamic objects in the engine |
CIPipelineState | |
CIPipelineStateD3D11 | Interface to the blend state object implemented in D3D11 |
CIPipelineStateD3D12 | Interface to the blend state object implemented in D3D12 |
CIPipelineStateGL | Interface to the PipelineState object implemented in OpenGL |
CIReferenceCounters | Base interface for a reference counter object that stores the number of strong and weak references and the pointer to the object. It is necessary to separate reference counters from the object to support weak pointers |
CIRenderDevice | Render device interface |
CIRenderDeviceD3D11 | Interface to the render device object implemented in D3D11 |
CIRenderDeviceD3D12 | Interface to the render device object implemented in D3D12 |
CIRenderDeviceGL | Interface to the render device object implemented in OpenGL |
CIRenderDeviceGLES | Interface to the render device object implemented in OpenGLES |
CIResourceMapping | Resouce mapping |
CISampler | Texture sampler interface |
CISamplerD3D11 | Interface to the sampler object implemented in D3D11 |
CISamplerD3D12 | Interface to the sampler object implemented in D3D12 |
CISamplerGL | Interface to the sampler object object implemented in OpenGL |
CIShader | Shader interface |
CIShaderD3D11 | Interface to the shader object implemented in D3D11 |
CIShaderD3D12 | Interface to the shader object implemented in D3D12 |
CIShaderGL | Interface to the shader object implemented in OpenGL |
CIShaderResourceBinding | Shader resource binding interface |
CIShaderResourceBindingD3D11 | Shader resource binding interface |
CIShaderResourceBindingD3D12 | Shader resource binding interface |
CIShaderResourceBindingGL | Shader resource binding interface |
CIShaderSourceInputStreamFactory | Shader source stream factory interface |
CIShaderVariable | Shader resource variable |
CISwapChain | Swap chain interface |
CISwapChainD3D11 | Interface to the swap chain object implemented in D3D11 |
CISwapChainD3D12 | Interface to the swap chain object implemented in D3D12 |
CISwapChainGL | Interface to the swap chain object implemented in OpenGL |
CITexture | Texture inteface |
CITextureD3D11 | Interface to the texture object implemented in D3D11 |
CITextureD3D12 | Interface to the texture object implemented in D3D11 |
CITextureGL | Interface to the texture object implemented in OpenGL |
CITextureView | Texture view interface |
CITextureViewD3D11 | Interface to the texture view object implemented in D3D11 |
CITextureViewD3D12 | Interface to the texture view object implemented in D3D11 |
CITextureViewGL | Interface to the texture view object implemented in OpenGL |
CLayoutElement | Description of a single element of the input layout |
CMapHelper | Facilitates resource mapping |
CObjectBase | Template class implementing base functionality for an object |
COptimizedClearValue | Defines optimized clear value |
CPipelineStateBase | Template class implementing base functionality for a pipeline state object |
CPipelineStateD3D11Impl | Implementation of the Diligent::IPipelineStateD3D11 interface |
CPipelineStateD3D12Impl | Implementation of the Diligent::IRenderDeviceD3D12 interface |
CPipelineStateDesc | Pipeline state description |
CPipelineStateGLImpl | Implementation of the Diligent::IPipelineStateGL interface |
CRasterizerStateDesc | Rasterizer state description |
CRect | Describes the rectangle |
CRefCntAutoPtr | Template class that implements reference counting |
CRefCntWeakPtr | Implementation of weak pointers |
CRefCountedObject | Base class for reference counting objects |
CRenderDeviceBase | Base implementation of a render device |
CRenderDeviceD3D11Impl | Implementation of the Diligent::IRenderDeviceD3D11 interface |
CRenderDeviceD3D12Impl | Implementation of the Diligent::IRenderDeviceD3D12 interface |
CRenderDeviceGLImpl | Implementation of the render device interface in OpenGL |
CRenderTargetBlendDesc | Describes a blend state for a single render target |
CResourceMappingDesc | Resource mapping description |
CResourceMappingEntry | Describes the resourse mapping object entry |
CResourceMappingImpl | Implementation of the resource mapping |
CRootSignature | Implementation of the Diligent::RootSignature class |
CSampleDesc | Sample description |
CSamplerBase | Template class implementing base functionality for a sampler object |
CSamplerCaps | Texture sampler capabilities |
CSamplerD3D11Impl | Implementation of the Diligent::ISamplerD3D11 interface |
CSamplerD3D12Impl | Implementation of the Diligent::ISamplerD3D12 interface |
CSamplerDesc | Sampler description |
CSamplerGLImpl | Implementation of the Diligent::ISamplerGL interface |
CShaderBase | Template class implementing base functionality for a shader object |
CShaderCreationAttribs | Shader creation attributes |
CShaderD3D11Impl | Implementation of the Diligent::IShaderD3D11 interface |
CShaderD3D12Impl | Implementation of the Diligent::IShaderD3D12 interface |
CShaderDesc | Shader description |
CShaderGLImpl | Implementation of the Diligent::IShaderGL interface |
CShaderResourceBindingBase | Template class implementing base functionality for a shader resource binding |
CShaderResourceBindingD3D11Impl | Implementation of the Diligent::IShaderResourceBindingD3D11 interface |
CShaderResourceBindingD3D12Impl | Implementation of the Diligent::IShaderResourceBindingD3D12 interface |
CShaderResourceBindingGLImpl | Implementation of the Diligent::IShaderResourceBindingGL interface |
►CShaderResourceCacheD3D11 | The class implements a cache that holds resources bound to a specific shader stage |
CCachedCB | Describes resources associated with the cached constant buffer |
CCachedResource | Describes resources associated with the cached SRV or UAV |
CCachedSampler | Describes resources associated with the cached sampler |
CShaderResourceLayoutD3D11 | Diligent::ShaderResourceLayoutD3D11 class |
CShaderResourceLayoutD3D12 | Diligent::ShaderResourceLayoutD3D12 class |
CShaderResourcesD3D11 | Diligent::ShaderResources class |
CShaderResourcesD3D12 | Diligent::ShaderResources class |
CShaderVariableBase | Base implementation of a shader variable |
CShaderVariableDesc | Describes shader variable |
CStateObjectsRegistry | Template class implementing state object registry |
CStaticSamplerDesc | Static sampler description |
CStencilOpDesc | Describes stencil operations that are performed based on the results of depth test |
CSwapChainBase | Base implementation of the swap chain |
CSwapChainD3D11Impl | Implementation of the Diligent::ISwapChainD3D11 interface |
CSwapChainD3D12Impl | Implementation of the Diligent::ISwapChainD3D12 interface |
CSwapChainDesc | Swap chain description |
CSwapChainGLImpl | Implementation of the Diligent::ISwapChainGL interface |
CTexture1D_D3D11 | Implementation of a 1D texture |
CTexture2D_D3D11 | Implementation of a 2D texture |
CTexture3D_D3D11 | Implementation of a 3D texture |
CTextureBase | Base implementation of the ITexture interface |
CTextureBaseD3D11 | Base implementation of the Diligent::ITextureD3D11 interface |
CTextureBaseGL | Base implementation of the Diligent::ITextureGL interface |
CTextureCaps | Texture capabilities |
CTextureD3D12Impl | Base implementation of the Diligent::ITextureD3D12 interface |
CTextureData | Describes the initial data to store in the texture |
CTextureDesc | Texture description |
CTextureFormatAttribs | Describes invariant texture format attributes. These attributes are intrinsic to the texture format itself and do not depend on the format support |
CTextureFormatInfo | Basic texture format description |
CTextureFormatInfoExt | Extended texture format description |
CTextureSubResData | Describes data for one subresource |
CTextureViewBase | Template class implementing base functionality for a texture view interface |
CTextureViewD3D11Impl | Implementation of the Diligent::ITextureViewD3D11 interface |
CTextureViewD3D12Impl | Implementation of the Diligent::ITextureViewD3D12 interface |
CTextureViewDesc | Texture view description |
CTextureViewGLImpl | Implementation of the Diligent::ITextureViewGL interface |
CVertexStreamInfo | Describes input vertex stream |
CViewport | Describes the viewport |
►Nstd | |
Chash< Diligent::BlendStateDesc > | Hash function specialization for Diligent::BlendStateDesc structure |
Chash< Diligent::DepthStencilStateDesc > | Hash function specialization for Diligent::DepthStencilStateDesc structure |
Chash< Diligent::RasterizerStateDesc > | Hash function specialization for Diligent::RasterizerStateDesc structure |
Chash< Diligent::SamplerDesc > | Hash function specialization for Diligent::SamplerDesc structure |
Chash< Diligent::StencilOpDesc > | Hash function specialization for Diligent::StencilOpDesc structure |
Chash< Diligent::TextureViewDesc > | Hash function specialization for Diligent::TextureViewDesc structure |