Diligent Engine API Reference
Graphics engine namespace. More...
Classes | |
class | BasicFileStream |
Basic file stream implementation. More... | |
struct | BlendStateDesc |
Blend state description. More... | |
struct | Box |
Box. More... | |
class | BufferBase |
Template class implementing base functionality for a buffer object. More... | |
class | BufferD3D11Impl |
Implementation of the Diligent::IBufferD3D11 interface. More... | |
class | BufferD3D12Impl |
Implementation of the Diligent::IBufferD3D12 interface. More... | |
struct | BufferData |
Describes the buffer initial data. More... | |
struct | BufferDesc |
Buffer description. More... | |
class | BufferGLImpl |
Implementation of the Diligent::IBufferGL interface. More... | |
class | BufferViewBase |
Template class implementing base functionality for a buffer view object. More... | |
class | BufferViewD3D11Impl |
Implementation of the Diligent::IBufferViewD3D11 interface. More... | |
class | BufferViewD3D12Impl |
Implementation of the Diligent::IBufferViewD3D12 interface. More... | |
struct | BufferViewDesc |
Buffer view description. More... | |
class | BufferViewGLImpl |
Implementation of the Diligent::IBufferViewGL interface. More... | |
class | CommandListBase |
Template class implementing base functionality for a command list object. More... | |
class | CommandListD3D11Impl |
Implementation of the Diligent::ICommandListD3D11 interface. More... | |
class | CommandListD3D12Impl |
Implementation of the Diligent::ICommandList interface. More... | |
struct | ComputePipelineDesc |
Compute pipeline state description. More... | |
class | D3D12ResourceBase |
Base implementation of a D3D12 resource. More... | |
class | DataBlobImpl |
Base interface for a file stream. More... | |
struct | DepthStencilClearValue |
Defines optimized depth-stencil clear value. More... | |
struct | DepthStencilStateDesc |
Depth stencil state description. More... | |
struct | DeviceCaps |
Device capabilities. More... | |
class | DeviceContextBase |
Base implementation of the device context. More... | |
class | DeviceContextD3D11Impl |
Implementation of the Diligent::IDeviceContextD3D11 interface. More... | |
class | DeviceContextD3D12Impl |
Implementation of the Diligent::IDeviceContext interface. More... | |
class | DeviceContextGLImpl |
Implementation of the Diligent::IDeviceContextGL interface. More... | |
struct | DeviceObjectAttribs |
Describes common device object attributes. More... | |
class | DeviceObjectBase |
Template class implementing base functionality for a device object. More... | |
struct | DispatchComputeAttribs |
Describes dispatch command arguments. More... | |
struct | DrawAttribs |
Defines the draw command attributes. More... | |
struct | DummyShaderVariable |
Implementation of a dummy shader variable that silently ignores all operations. More... | |
struct | EngineCreationAttribs |
Engine creation attibutes. More... | |
struct | EngineD3D11Attribs |
Attributes of the Direct3D11-based engine implementation. More... | |
struct | EngineD3D12Attribs |
Attributes specific to D3D12 engine. More... | |
class | FixedBlockMemoryAllocator |
Memory allocator that allocates memory in a fixed-size chunks. More... | |
struct | GraphicsPipelineDesc |
Graphics pipeline state description. More... | |
struct | HashMapStringKey |
This helper structure is intended to facilitate using strings as a hash table key. It provides constructors that can make a copy of the source string or just keep pointer to it, which enables searching in the hash using raw const Char* pointers. More... | |
class | IBuffer |
Buffer interface. More... | |
class | IBufferD3D11 |
Interface to the buffer object implemented in D3D11. More... | |
class | IBufferD3D12 |
Interface to the buffer object implemented in D3D12. More... | |
class | IBufferGL |
Interface to the buffer object implemented in OpenGL. More... | |
class | IBufferView |
Buffer view interface. More... | |
class | IBufferViewD3D11 |
Interface to the buffer view object implemented in D3D11. More... | |
class | IBufferViewD3D12 |
Interface to the buffer view object implemented in D3D12. More... | |
class | IBufferViewGL |
Interface to the buffer view object implemented in OpenGL. More... | |
class | ICommandList |
Command list interface. More... | |
class | IDataBlob |
Base interface for a file stream. More... | |
class | IDeviceContext |
Device context interface. More... | |
class | IDeviceContextD3D11 |
Interface to the device context object implemented in D3D11. More... | |
class | IDeviceContextGL |
Interface to the device context object implemented in OpenGL. More... | |
class | IDeviceObject |
Base interface for all objects created by the render device Diligent::IRenderDevice. More... | |
class | IFileStream |
Base interface for a file stream. More... | |
class | IMemoryAllocator |
Base interface for a raw memory allocator. More... | |
struct | InputLayoutDesc |
Layout description. More... | |
struct | INTERFACE_ID |
Describes unique identifier. More... | |
class | IObject |
Base interface for all dynamic objects in the engine. More... | |
class | IPipelineState |
class | IPipelineStateD3D11 |
Interface to the blend state object implemented in D3D11. More... | |
class | IPipelineStateD3D12 |
Interface to the blend state object implemented in D3D12. More... | |
class | IPipelineStateGL |
Interface to the PipelineState object implemented in OpenGL. More... | |
class | IReferenceCounters |
Base interface for a reference counter object that stores the number of strong and weak references and the pointer to the object. It is necessary to separate reference counters from the object to support weak pointers. More... | |
class | IRenderDevice |
Render device interface. More... | |
class | IRenderDeviceD3D11 |
Interface to the render device object implemented in D3D11. More... | |
class | IRenderDeviceD3D12 |
Interface to the render device object implemented in D3D12. More... | |
class | IRenderDeviceGL |
Interface to the render device object implemented in OpenGL. More... | |
class | IRenderDeviceGLES |
Interface to the render device object implemented in OpenGLES. More... | |
class | IResourceMapping |
Resouce mapping. More... | |
class | ISampler |
Texture sampler interface. More... | |
class | ISamplerD3D11 |
Interface to the sampler object implemented in D3D11. More... | |
class | ISamplerD3D12 |
Interface to the sampler object implemented in D3D12. More... | |
class | ISamplerGL |
Interface to the sampler object object implemented in OpenGL. More... | |
class | IShader |
Shader interface. More... | |
class | IShaderD3D11 |
Interface to the shader object implemented in D3D11. More... | |
class | IShaderD3D12 |
Interface to the shader object implemented in D3D12. More... | |
class | IShaderGL |
Interface to the shader object implemented in OpenGL. More... | |
class | IShaderResourceBinding |
Shader resource binding interface. More... | |
class | IShaderResourceBindingD3D11 |
Shader resource binding interface. More... | |
class | IShaderResourceBindingD3D12 |
Shader resource binding interface. More... | |
class | IShaderResourceBindingGL |
Shader resource binding interface. More... | |
class | IShaderSourceInputStreamFactory |
Shader source stream factory interface. More... | |
class | IShaderVariable |
Shader resource variable. More... | |
class | ISwapChain |
Swap chain interface. More... | |
class | ISwapChainD3D11 |
Interface to the swap chain object implemented in D3D11. More... | |
class | ISwapChainD3D12 |
Interface to the swap chain object implemented in D3D12. More... | |
class | ISwapChainGL |
Interface to the swap chain object implemented in OpenGL. More... | |
class | ITexture |
Texture inteface. More... | |
class | ITextureD3D11 |
Interface to the texture object implemented in D3D11. More... | |
class | ITextureD3D12 |
Interface to the texture object implemented in D3D11. More... | |
class | ITextureGL |
Interface to the texture object implemented in OpenGL. More... | |
class | ITextureView |
Texture view interface. More... | |
class | ITextureViewD3D11 |
Interface to the texture view object implemented in D3D11. More... | |
class | ITextureViewD3D12 |
Interface to the texture view object implemented in D3D11. More... | |
class | ITextureViewGL |
Interface to the texture view object implemented in OpenGL. More... | |
struct | LayoutElement |
Description of a single element of the input layout. More... | |
class | MapHelper |
Facilitates resource mapping. More... | |
class | ObjectBase |
Template class implementing base functionality for an object. More... | |
struct | OptimizedClearValue |
Defines optimized clear value. More... | |
class | PipelineStateBase |
Template class implementing base functionality for a pipeline state object. More... | |
class | PipelineStateD3D11Impl |
Implementation of the Diligent::IPipelineStateD3D11 interface. More... | |
class | PipelineStateD3D12Impl |
Implementation of the Diligent::IRenderDeviceD3D12 interface. More... | |
struct | PipelineStateDesc |
Pipeline state description. More... | |
class | PipelineStateGLImpl |
Implementation of the Diligent::IPipelineStateGL interface. More... | |
struct | RasterizerStateDesc |
Rasterizer state description. More... | |
struct | Rect |
Describes the rectangle. More... | |
class | RefCntAutoPtr |
Template class that implements reference counting. More... | |
class | RefCntWeakPtr |
Implementation of weak pointers. More... | |
class | RefCountedObject |
Base class for reference counting objects. More... | |
class | RenderDeviceBase |
Base implementation of a render device. More... | |
class | RenderDeviceD3D11Impl |
Implementation of the Diligent::IRenderDeviceD3D11 interface. More... | |
class | RenderDeviceD3D12Impl |
Implementation of the Diligent::IRenderDeviceD3D12 interface. More... | |
class | RenderDeviceGLImpl |
Implementation of the render device interface in OpenGL. More... | |
struct | RenderTargetBlendDesc |
Describes a blend state for a single render target. More... | |
struct | ResourceMappingDesc |
Resource mapping description. More... | |
struct | ResourceMappingEntry |
Describes the resourse mapping object entry. More... | |
class | ResourceMappingImpl |
Implementation of the resource mapping. More... | |
class | RootSignature |
Implementation of the Diligent::RootSignature class. More... | |
struct | SampleDesc |
Sample description. More... | |
class | SamplerBase |
Template class implementing base functionality for a sampler object. More... | |
struct | SamplerCaps |
Texture sampler capabilities. More... | |
class | SamplerD3D11Impl |
Implementation of the Diligent::ISamplerD3D11 interface. More... | |
class | SamplerD3D12Impl |
Implementation of the Diligent::ISamplerD3D12 interface. More... | |
struct | SamplerDesc |
Sampler description. More... | |
class | SamplerGLImpl |
Implementation of the Diligent::ISamplerGL interface. More... | |
class | ShaderBase |
Template class implementing base functionality for a shader object. More... | |
struct | ShaderCreationAttribs |
Shader creation attributes. More... | |
class | ShaderD3D11Impl |
Implementation of the Diligent::IShaderD3D11 interface. More... | |
class | ShaderD3D12Impl |
Implementation of the Diligent::IShaderD3D12 interface. More... | |
struct | ShaderDesc |
Shader description. More... | |
class | ShaderGLImpl |
Implementation of the Diligent::IShaderGL interface. More... | |
class | ShaderResourceBindingBase |
Template class implementing base functionality for a shader resource binding. More... | |
class | ShaderResourceBindingD3D11Impl |
Implementation of the Diligent::IShaderResourceBindingD3D11 interface. More... | |
class | ShaderResourceBindingD3D12Impl |
Implementation of the Diligent::IShaderResourceBindingD3D12 interface. More... | |
class | ShaderResourceBindingGLImpl |
Implementation of the Diligent::IShaderResourceBindingGL interface. More... | |
class | ShaderResourceCacheD3D11 |
The class implements a cache that holds resources bound to a specific shader stage. More... | |
class | ShaderResourceLayoutD3D11 |
Diligent::ShaderResourceLayoutD3D11 class. More... | |
class | ShaderResourceLayoutD3D12 |
Diligent::ShaderResourceLayoutD3D12 class. More... | |
class | ShaderResourcesD3D11 |
Diligent::ShaderResources class. More... | |
class | ShaderResourcesD3D12 |
Diligent::ShaderResources class. More... | |
struct | ShaderVariableBase |
Base implementation of a shader variable. More... | |
struct | ShaderVariableDesc |
Describes shader variable. More... | |
class | StateObjectsRegistry |
Template class implementing state object registry. More... | |
struct | StaticSamplerDesc |
Static sampler description. More... | |
struct | StencilOpDesc |
Describes stencil operations that are performed based on the results of depth test. More... | |
class | SwapChainBase |
Base implementation of the swap chain. More... | |
class | SwapChainD3D11Impl |
Implementation of the Diligent::ISwapChainD3D11 interface. More... | |
class | SwapChainD3D12Impl |
Implementation of the Diligent::ISwapChainD3D12 interface. More... | |
struct | SwapChainDesc |
Swap chain description. More... | |
class | SwapChainGLImpl |
Implementation of the Diligent::ISwapChainGL interface. More... | |
class | Texture1D_D3D11 |
Implementation of a 1D texture. More... | |
class | Texture2D_D3D11 |
Implementation of a 2D texture. More... | |
class | Texture3D_D3D11 |
Implementation of a 3D texture. More... | |
class | TextureBase |
Base implementation of the ITexture interface. More... | |
class | TextureBaseD3D11 |
Base implementation of the Diligent::ITextureD3D11 interface. More... | |
class | TextureBaseGL |
Base implementation of the Diligent::ITextureGL interface. More... | |
struct | TextureCaps |
Texture capabilities. More... | |
class | TextureD3D12Impl |
Base implementation of the Diligent::ITextureD3D12 interface. More... | |
struct | TextureData |
Describes the initial data to store in the texture. More... | |
struct | TextureDesc |
Texture description. More... | |
struct | TextureFormatAttribs |
Describes invariant texture format attributes. These attributes are intrinsic to the texture format itself and do not depend on the format support. More... | |
struct | TextureFormatInfo |
Basic texture format description. More... | |
struct | TextureFormatInfoExt |
Extended texture format description. More... | |
struct | TextureSubResData |
Describes data for one subresource. More... | |
class | TextureViewBase |
Template class implementing base functionality for a texture view interface. More... | |
class | TextureViewD3D11Impl |
Implementation of the Diligent::ITextureViewD3D11 interface. More... | |
class | TextureViewD3D12Impl |
Implementation of the Diligent::ITextureViewD3D12 interface. More... | |
struct | TextureViewDesc |
Texture view description. More... | |
class | TextureViewGLImpl |
Implementation of the Diligent::ITextureViewGL interface. More... | |
struct | VertexStreamInfo |
Describes input vertex stream. More... | |
struct | Viewport |
Describes the viewport. More... | |
Typedefs | |
typedef float | Float32 |
32-bit float | |
typedef int64_t | Int64 |
64-bit signed integer | |
typedef int32_t | Int32 |
32-bit signed integer | |
typedef int16_t | Int16 |
16-bit signed integer | |
typedef int8_t | Int8 |
8-bit signed integer | |
typedef uint64_t | Uint64 |
64-bit unsigned integer | |
typedef uint32_t | Uint32 |
32-bit unsigned integer | |
typedef uint16_t | Uint16 |
16-bit unsigned integer | |
typedef uint8_t | Uint8 |
8-bit unsigned integer | |
typedef bool | Bool |
Boolean. | |
typedef std::basic_string< Char > | String |
String variable. | |
Functions | |
void | SetRawAllocator (IMemoryAllocator *pRawAllocator) |
Sets raw memory allocator. This function must be called before any memory allocation/deallocation function is called. | |
IMemoryAllocator & | GetRawAllocator () |
Returns raw memory allocator. | |
void | CreateDeviceAndContextsD3D11 (const EngineD3D11Attribs &EngineAttribs, IRenderDevice **ppDevice, IDeviceContext **ppContexts, Uint32 NumDeferredContexts) |
Creates render device and device contexts for Direct3D11-based engine implementation. More... | |
void | CreateSwapChainD3D11 (IRenderDevice *pDevice, Diligent::IDeviceContext *pImmediateContext, const SwapChainDesc &SCDesc, void *pNativeWndHandle, ISwapChain **ppSwapChain) |
Creates a swap chain for Direct3D11-based engine implementation. More... | |
void | LoadGraphicsEngineD3D11 (CreateDeviceAndContextsD3D11Type &CreateDeviceFunc, CreateSwapChainD3D11Type &CreateSwapChainFunc) |
Loads Direct3D11-based engine implementation and exports factory functions. More... | |
void | CreateDeviceAndSwapChainGL (const EngineCreationAttribs &CreationAttribs, IRenderDevice **ppDevice, IDeviceContext **ppImmediateContext, const SwapChainDesc &SCDesc, void *pNativeWndHandle, Diligent::ISwapChain **ppSwapChain) |
Creates render device, device context and swap chain for OpenGL/GLES-based engine implementation. More... | |
void | LoadGraphicsEngineOpenGL (CreateDeviceAndSwapChainGLType &CreateDeviceFunc) |
Loads OpenGL-based engine implementation and exports factory functions. More... | |
void | CreateDeviceAndContextsD3D12 (const EngineD3D12Attribs &CreationAttribs, IRenderDevice **ppDevice, Diligent::IDeviceContext **ppContexts, Diligent::Uint32 NumDeferredContexts) |
Creates render device and device contexts for Direct3D12-based engine implementation. More... | |
void | CreateSwapChainD3D12 (IRenderDevice *pDevice, IDeviceContext *pImmediateContext, const SwapChainDesc &SCDesc, void *pNativeWndHandle, ISwapChain **ppSwapChain) |
Creates a swap chain for Direct3D12-based engine implementation. More... | |
void | LoadGraphicsEngineD3D12 (CreateDeviceAndContextsD3D12Type &CreateDeviceFunc, CreateSwapChainD3D12Type &CreateSwapChainFunc) |
Loads Direct3D12-based engine implementation and exports factory functions. More... | |
Variables | |
static const Uint32 | MaxBufferSlots = 32 |
Maximum number of input buffer slots. | |
static const Uint32 | MaxRenderTargets = 8 |
Maximum number of simultaneous render targets. | |
static const INTERFACE_ID | IID_Unknown = { 0, 0, 0, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } } |
Unknown interface. | |
static const Diligent::INTERFACE_ID | IID_FileStream |
IFileStream interface unique identifier. | |
Graphics engine namespace.
Namespace for the Direct3D11 implementation of the graphics engine.
Unique identification structures.
Namespace for the OpenGL implementation of the graphics engine.
enum Diligent::BIND_FLAGS : Int32 |
Resource binding flags.
This enumeration describes which parts of the pipeline a resource can be bound to. It generally mirrors D3D11_BIND_FLAG enumeration. It is used by
Describes flags that can be supplied to IShader::BindResources() and IDeviceContext::BindShaderResources().
enum Diligent::BLEND_FACTOR : Int32 |
Blend factors.
This enumeration defines blend factors for alpha-blending. It generatlly mirrors D3D11_BLEND and D3D12_BLEND enumerations and is used by RenderTargetBlendDesc structure to define source and destination blend factors for color and alpha channels.
Enumerator | |
Undefined blend factor. |
The blend factor is zero. |
The blend factor is one. |
The blend factor is RGB data from a pixel shader. |
The blend factor is 1-RGB, where RGB is the data from a pixel shader. |
The blend factor is alpha (A) data from a pixel shader. |
The blend factor is 1-A, where A is alpha data from a pixel shader. |
The blend factor is alpha (A) data from a render target. |
The blend factor is 1-A, where A is alpha data from a render target. |
The blend factor is RGB data from a render target. |
The blend factor is 1-RGB, where RGB is the data from a render target. |
The blend factor is (f,f,f,1), where f = min(As, 1-Ad), As is alpha data from a pixel shader, and Ad is alpha data from a render target. |
The blend factor is the constant blend factor set with IDeviceContext::SetBlendFactors(). |
The blend factor is one minus constant blend factor set with IDeviceContext::SetBlendFactors(). |
The blend factor is the second RGB data output from a pixel shader. |
The blend factor is 1-RGB, where RGB is the second RGB data output from a pixel shader. |
The blend factor is the second alpha (A) data output from a pixel shader. |
The blend factor is 1-A, where A is the second alpha data output from a pixel shader. |
Helper value that stores the total number of blend factors in the enumeration. |
enum Diligent::BLEND_OPERATION : Int32 |
Blending operation.
This enumeration describes blending operation for RGB or Alpha channels and generally mirrors D3D11_BLEND_OP and D3D12_BLEND_OP enums. It is used by RenderTargetBlendDesc structure to define RGB and Alpha blending operations
enum Diligent::BUFFER_MODE : Int32 |
Describes the buffer access mode.
This enumeration is used by BufferDesc structure.
enum Diligent::BUFFER_VIEW_TYPE : Int32 |
Buffer view type.
This enumeration describes allowed view types for a buffer view. It is used by BufferViewDesc structure.
Defines which parts of the depth-stencil buffer to clear.
These flags are used by IDeviceContext::ClearDepthStencil().
Enumerator | |
Clear depth part of the buffer. |
Clear stencil part of the buffer. |
enum Diligent::COLOR_MASK : Int32 |
Color component write flags.
These flags are used by RenderTargetBlendDesc structure to define writable components of the render target
Defines allowed flags for IDeviceContext::CommitShaderResources() function.
Enumerator | |
Transition resources being committed. If this flag is specified when IDeviceContext::CommitShaderResources() is called, the engine will transition all shader resources to the correct state. |
Comparison function.
This enumeartion defines a comparison function. It generally mirrors D3D11_COMPARISON_FUNC/D3D12_COMPARISON_FUNC enum and is used by
enum Diligent::COMPONENT_TYPE : Int32 |
Describes texture format component type.
enum Diligent::CPU_ACCESS_FLAG : Int32 |
Allowed CPU access mode flags when mapping a resource.
The enumeration is used by
Enumerator | |
A resource can be mapped for reading. |
A resource can be mapped for writing. |
enum Diligent::CULL_MODE : Int32 |
Cull mode.
This enumeration defines which triangles are not drawn during the rasterization and mirrors D3D11_CULL_MODE/D3D12_CULL_MODE enum. It is used by RasterizerStateDesc structure to define the polygon cull mode.
Enumerator | |
Undefined cull mode. |
Draw all triangles. |
Do not draw triangles that are front-facing. Front- and back-facing triangles are determined by the RasterizerStateDesc::FrontCounterClockwise member. |
Do not draw triangles that are back-facing. Front- and back-facing triangles are determined by the RasterizerStateDesc::FrontCounterClockwise member. |
Helper value that stores the total number of cull modes in the enumeration. |
strong |
strong |
Debug flags that can be specified when creating Direct3D11-based engine implementation.
enum Diligent::FILL_MODE : Int32 |
Fill mode.
This enumeration determines the fill mode to use when rendering triangles and mirrors the D3D11_FILL_MODE/D3D12_FILL_MODE enum. It is used by RasterizerStateDesc structure to define the fill mode.
enum Diligent::FILTER_TYPE : Int32 |
Filter type.
This enumeration defines filter type. It is used by SamplerDesc structure to define min, mag and mip filters.
Logic operation.
This enumeration describes logic operation and generally mirrors D3D12_LOGIC_OP enum. It is used by RenderTargetBlendDesc structure to define logic operation. Only available on D3D12 engine
enum Diligent::MAP_FLAGS : Int32 |
Special map flags.
Describes special arguments for a map operation. This enumeration is used by
enum Diligent::MAP_TYPE : Int32 |
Resource mapping type.
Describes how a mapped resource will be accessed. This enumeration generally mirrors D3D11_MAP enumeration. It is used by
Miscellaneous texture flags.
The enumeration is used by TextureDesc to describe misc texture flags
Enumerator | |
Allow automatic mipmap generation with ITextureView::GenerateMips()
Input primitive topology.
This enumeration is used by DrawAttribs structure to define input primitive topology.
Primitive topology type.
This enumeration describes primitive topology type. It generally mirrors D3D12_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TYPE enumeration. The enumeration is used by GraphicsPipelineDesc to describe how the pipeline interprets geometry or hull shader input primitives
Describes resource dimension.
This enumeration is used by
Defines allowed flags for IDeviceContext::SetVertexBuffers() function.
Enumerator | |
Reset the vertex buffers to only the buffers specified in this call. All buffers previously bound to the pipeline will be unbound. |
enum Diligent::SHADER_TYPE : Int32 |
Describes the shader type.
Describes shader variable type that is used by ShaderVariableDesc.
Enumerator | |
Shader variable is constant across all shader instances. It must be set once directly through IShader::BindResources() or through the shader variable. |
Shader variable is constant across shader resource bindings instance (see IShaderResourceBinding). It must be set once through IShaderResourceBinding::BindResources() or through the shader variable. It cannot be set through IShader interface. |
Shader variable is dynamic. It can be set multiple times for every instance of shader resource bindings (see IShaderResourceBinding). It cannot be set through IShader interface. |
Total number of shader variable types. |
enum Diligent::STENCIL_OP : Int32 |
Stencil operation.
This enumeration describes the stencil operation and generally mirrors D3D11_STENCIL_OP/D3D12_STENCIL_OP enumeration. It is used by Diligent::StencilOpDesc structure to describe the stencil fail, depth fail and stencil pass operations
Enumerator | |
Undefined operation. |
Keep the existing stencil data. |
Set the stencil data to 0. |
Set the stencil data to the reference value set by calling IDeviceContext::SetStencilRef(). |
Increment the current stencil value, and clamp to the maximum representable unsigned value. |
Decrement the current stencil value, and clamp to 0. |
Bitwise invert the current stencil buffer value. |
Increment the current stencil value, and wrap the value to zero when incrementing the maximum representable unsigned value. |
Decrement the current stencil value, and wrap the value to the maximum representable unsigned value when decrementing a value of zero. |
Helper value that stores the total number of stencil operations in the enumeration. |
Texture address mode.
Defines a technique for resolving texture coordinates that are outside of the boundaries of a texture. The enumeration generally mirrors D3D11_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_MODE/D3D12_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_MODE enumeration. It is used by SamplerDesc structure to define the address mode for U,V and W texture coordinates.
Enumerator | |
Unknown mode. |
Tile the texture at every integer junction. |
Flip the texture at every integer junction. |
Texture coordinates outside the range [0.0, 1.0] are set to the texture color at 0.0 or 1.0, respectively. |
Texture coordinates outside the range [0.0, 1.0] are set to the border color specified specified in SamplerDesc structure. |
Similar to TEXTURE_ADDRESS_MIRROR and TEXTURE_ADDRESS_CLAMP. Takes the absolute value of the texture coordinate (thus, mirroring around 0), and then clamps to the maximum value.
Helper value that stores the total number of texture address modes in the enumeration. |
enum Diligent::TEXTURE_FORMAT : Int32 |
Texture formats.
This enumeration describes available texture formats and generally mirrors DXGI_FORMAT enumeration. The table below provides detailed information on each format. Most of the formats are widely supported by all modern APIs (DX10+, OpenGL3.3+ and OpenGLES3.0+). Specific requirements are additionally indicated.
Enumerator | |
Unknown format. |
Four-component 128-bit typeless format with 32-bit channels. |
Four-component 128-bit floating-point format with 32-bit channels. |
Four-component 128-bit unsigned-integer format with 32-bit channels. |
Four-component 128-bit signed-integer format with 32-bit channels. |
Three-component 96-bit typeless format with 32-bit channels.
Three-component 96-bit floating-point format with 32-bit channels.
Three-component 96-bit unsigned-integer format with 32-bit channels.
Three-component 96-bit signed-integer format with 32-bit channels.
Four-component 64-bit typeless format with 16-bit channels. |
Four-component 64-bit half-precision floating-point format with 16-bit channels. |
Four-component 64-bit unsigned-normalized-integer format with 16-bit channels. |
Four-component 64-bit unsigned-integer format with 16-bit channels. |
Four-component 64-bit signed-normalized-integer format with 16-bit channels. |
Four-component 64-bit signed-integer format with 16-bit channels. |
Two-component 64-bit typeless format with 32-bit channels. |
Two-component 64-bit floating-point format with 32-bit channels. |
Two-component 64-bit unsigned-integer format with 32-bit channels. |
Two-component 64-bit signed-integer format with 32-bit channels. |
Two-component 64-bit typeless format with 32-bits for R channel and 8 bits for G channel. |
Two-component 64-bit format with 32-bit floating-point depth channel and 8-bit stencil channel. |
Two-component 64-bit format with 32-bit floating-point R channel and 8+24-bits of typeless data. |
Two-component 64-bit format with 32-bit typeless data and 8-bit G channel.
Four-component 32-bit typeless format with 10 bits for RGB and 2 bits for alpha channel. |
Four-component 32-bit unsigned-normalized-integer format with 10 bits for each color and 2 bits for alpha channel. |
Four-component 32-bit unsigned-integer format with 10 bits for each color and 2 bits for alpha channel. |
Three-component 32-bit format encoding three partial precision channels using 11 bits for red and green and 10 bits for blue channel. |
Four-component 32-bit typeless format with 8-bit channels. |
Four-component 32-bit unsigned-normalized-integer format with 8-bit channels. |
Four-component 32-bit unsigned-normalized-integer sRGB format with 8-bit channels. |
Four-component 32-bit unsigned-integer format with 8-bit channels. |
Four-component 32-bit signed-normalized-integer format with 8-bit channels. |
Four-component 32-bit signed-integer format with 8-bit channels. |
Two-component 32-bit typeless format with 16-bit channels. |
Two-component 32-bit half-precision floating-point format with 16-bit channels. |
Two-component 32-bit unsigned-normalized-integer format with 16-bit channels. |
Two-component 32-bit unsigned-integer format with 16-bit channels. |
Two-component 32-bit signed-normalized-integer format with 16-bit channels. |
Two-component 32-bit signed-integer format with 16-bit channels. |
Single-component 32-bit typeless format. |
Single-component 32-bit floating-point depth format. |
Single-component 32-bit floating-point format. |
Single-component 32-bit unsigned-integer format. |
Single-component 32-bit signed-integer format. |
Two-component 32-bit typeless format with 24 bits for R and 8 bits for G channel. |
Two-component 32-bit format with 24 bits for unsigned-normalized-integer depth and 8 bits for stencil. |
Two-component 32-bit format with 24 bits for unsigned-normalized-integer data and 8 bits of unreferenced data. |
Two-component 32-bit format with 24 bits of unreferenced data and 8 bits of unsigned-integer data.
Two-component 16-bit typeless format with 8-bit channels. |
Two-component 16-bit unsigned-normalized-integer format with 8-bit channels. |
Two-component 16-bit unsigned-integer format with 8-bit channels. |
Two-component 16-bit signed-normalized-integer format with 8-bit channels. |
Two-component 16-bit signed-integer format with 8-bit channels. |
Single-component 16-bit typeless format. |
Single-component 16-bit half-precisoin floating-point format. |
Single-component 16-bit unsigned-normalized-integer depth format. |
Single-component 16-bit unsigned-normalized-integer format. OpenGLES: GL_EXT_texture_norm16 extension is required. |
Single-component 16-bit unsigned-integer format. |
Single-component 16-bit signed-normalized-integer format. |
Single-component 16-bit signed-integer format. |
Single-component 8-bit typeless format. |
Single-component 8-bit unsigned-normalized-integer format. |
Single-component 8-bit unsigned-integer format. |
Single-component 8-bit signed-normalized-integer format. |
Single-component 8-bit signed-integer format. |
Single-component 8-bit unsigned-normalized-integer format for alpha only.
Single-component 1-bit format.
Three partial-precision floating pointer numbers sharing single exponent encoded into a 32-bit value. |
Four-component unsigned-normalized integer format analogous to UYVY encoding.
Four-component unsigned-normalized integer format analogous to YUY2 encoding.
Four-component typeless block-compression format with 1:8 compression ratio.
Four-component unsigned-normalized-integer block-compression format with 5 bits for R, 6 bits for G, 5 bits for B, and 0 or 1 bit for A channel. The pixel data is encoded using 8 bytes per 4x4 block (4 bits per pixel) providing 1:8 compression ratio against RGBA8 format.
Four-component unsigned-normalized-integer block-compression sRGB format with 5 bits for R, 6 bits for G, 5 bits for B, and 0 or 1 bit for A channel.
Four component typeless block-compression format with 1:4 compression ratio. OpenGL & OpenGLES: GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc extension is required.
Four-component unsigned-normalized-integer block-compression format with 5 bits for R, 6 bits for G, 5 bits for B, and 4 bits for low-coherent separate A channel. The pixel data is encoded using 16 bytes per 4x4 block (8 bits per pixel) providing 1:4 compression ratio against RGBA8 format.
Four-component signed-normalized-integer block-compression sRGB format with 5 bits for R, 6 bits for G, 5 bits for B, and 4 bits for low-coherent separate A channel. The pixel data is encoded using 16 bytes per 4x4 block (8 bits per pixel) providing 1:4 compression ratio against RGBA8 format.
Four-component typeless block-compression format with 1:4 compression ratio.
Four-component unsigned-normalized-integer block-compression format with 5 bits for R, 6 bits for G, 5 bits for B, and 8 bits for highly-coherent A channel. The pixel data is encoded using 16 bytes per 4x4 block (8 bits per pixel) providing 1:4 compression ratio against RGBA8 format.
Four-component unsigned-normalized-integer block-compression sRGB format with 5 bits for R, 6 bits for G, 5 bits for B, and 8 bits for highly-coherent A channel. The pixel data is encoded using 16 bytes per 4x4 block (8 bits per pixel) providing 1:4 compression ratio against RGBA8 format.
One-component typeless block-compression format with 1:2 compression ratio.
One-component unsigned-normalized-integer block-compression format with 8 bits for R channel. The pixel data is encoded using 8 bytes per 4x4 block (4 bits per pixel) providing 1:2 compression ratio against R8 format.
One-component signed-normalized-integer block-compression format with 8 bits for R channel. The pixel data is encoded using 8 bytes per 4x4 block (4 bits per pixel) providing 1:2 compression ratio against R8 format.
Two-component typeless block-compression format with 1:2 compression ratio.
Two-component unsigned-normalized-integer block-compression format with 8 bits for R and 8 bits for G channel. The pixel data is encoded using 16 bytes per 4x4 block (8 bits per pixel) providing 1:2 compression ratio against RG8 format.
Two-component signed-normalized-integer block-compression format with 8 bits for R and 8 bits for G channel. The pixel data is encoded using 16 bytes per 4x4 block (8 bits per pixel) providing 1:2 compression ratio against RG8 format.
Three-component 16-bit unsigned-normalized-integer format with 5 bits for blue, 6 bits for green, and 5 bits for red channel.
Four-component 16-bit unsigned-normalized-integer format with 5 bits for each color channel and 1-bit alpha.
Four-component 32-bit unsigned-normalized-integer format with 8 bits for each channel.
Four-component 32-bit unsigned-normalized-integer format with 8 bits for each color channel and 8 bits unused.
Four-component 32-bit 2.8-biased fixed-point format with 10 bits for each color channel and 2-bit alpha.
Four-component 32-bit typeless format with 8 bits for each channel.
Four-component 32-bit unsigned-normalized sRGB format with 8 bits for each channel.
Four-component 32-bit typeless format that with 8 bits for each color channel, and 8 bits are unused.
Four-component 32-bit unsigned-normalized sRGB format with 8 bits for each color channel, and 8 bits are unused.
Three-component typeless block-compression format. |
Three-component unsigned half-precision floating-point format with 16 bits for each channel. |
Three-channel signed half-precision floating-point format with 16 bits per each channel. |
Three-component typeless block-compression format. |
Three-component block-compression unsigned-normalized-integer format with 4 to 7 bits per color channel and 0 to 8 bits of alpha. |
Three-component block-compression unsigned-normalized-integer sRGB format with 4 to 7 bits per color channel and 0 to 8 bits of alpha. |
Helper member containing the total number of texture formats in the enumeration. |
enum Diligent::TEXTURE_VIEW_TYPE : Int32 |
Texture view type.
This enumeration describes allowed view types for a texture view. It is used by TextureViewDesc structure.
enum Diligent::UAV_ACCESS_FLAG : Int32 |
enum Diligent::USAGE : Int32 |
Resource usage.
This enumeration describes expected resource usage. It generally mirrors D3D11_USAGE enumeration. The enumeration is used by
enum Diligent::VALUE_TYPE : Int32 |
Value type.
This enumeration describes value type. It is used by
void Diligent::CreateDeviceAndContextsD3D11 | ( | const EngineD3D11Attribs & | EngineAttribs, |
IRenderDevice ** | ppDevice, | ||
IDeviceContext ** | ppContexts, | ||
Uint32 | NumDeferredContexts | ||
) |
Creates render device and device contexts for Direct3D11-based engine implementation.
[in] | EngineAttribs | - Engine creation attributes. |
[out] | ppDevice | - Address of the memory location where pointer to the created device will be written |
[out] | ppContexts | - Address of the memory location where pointers to the contexts will be written. Pointer to the immediate context goes at position 0. If NumDeferredContexts > 0, pointers to the deferred contexts go afterwards. |
[in] | NumDeferredContexts | - Number of deferred contexts. If non-zero number of deferred contexts is requested, pointers to the contexts are written to ppContexts array starting at position 1 |
void Diligent::CreateDeviceAndContextsD3D12 | ( | const EngineD3D12Attribs & | CreationAttribs, |
IRenderDevice ** | ppDevice, | ||
Diligent::IDeviceContext ** | ppContexts, | ||
Diligent::Uint32 | NumDeferredContexts | ||
) |
Creates render device and device contexts for Direct3D12-based engine implementation.
[in] | CreationAttribs | - Engine creation attributes. |
[out] | ppDevice | - Address of the memory location where pointer to the created device will be written |
[out] | ppContexts | - Address of the memory location where pointers to the contexts will be written. The new immediate context goes at position 0. If NumDeferredContexts > 0, pointers to the deferred contexts are written afterwards. |
[in] | NumDeferredContexts | - Number of deferred contexts. If non-zero number of deferred contexts is requested, pointers to the contexts are written to ppContexts array starting at position 1 |
void Diligent::CreateDeviceAndSwapChainGL | ( | const EngineCreationAttribs & | CreationAttribs, |
IRenderDevice ** | ppDevice, | ||
IDeviceContext ** | ppImmediateContext, | ||
const SwapChainDesc & | SCDesc, | ||
void * | pNativeWndHandle, | ||
Diligent::ISwapChain ** | ppSwapChain | ||
) |
Creates render device, device context and swap chain for OpenGL/GLES-based engine implementation.
[in] | CreationAttribs | - Engine creation attributes. |
[out] | ppDevice | - Address of the memory location where pointer to the created device will be written. |
[out] | ppImmediateContext | - Address of the memory location where pointers to the immediate context will be written. |
[in] | SCDesc | - Swap chain description. |
[in] | pNativeWndHandle | - Platform-specific native handle of the window the swap chain will be associated with:
[out] | ppSwapChain | - Address of the memory location where pointer to the new swap chain will be written. |
void Diligent::CreateSwapChainD3D11 | ( | IRenderDevice * | pDevice, |
Diligent::IDeviceContext * | pImmediateContext, | ||
const SwapChainDesc & | SCDesc, | ||
void * | pNativeWndHandle, | ||
ISwapChain ** | ppSwapChain | ||
) |
Creates a swap chain for Direct3D11-based engine implementation.
[in] | pDevice | - Pointer to the render device |
[in] | pImmediateContext | - Pointer to the immediate device context |
[in] | SCDesc | - Swap chain description |
[in] | pNativeWndHandle | - Platform-specific native handle of the window the swap chain will be associated with:
[out] | ppSwapChain | - Address of the memory location where pointer to the new swap chain will be written |
void Diligent::CreateSwapChainD3D12 | ( | IRenderDevice * | pDevice, |
IDeviceContext * | pImmediateContext, | ||
const SwapChainDesc & | SCDesc, | ||
void * | pNativeWndHandle, | ||
ISwapChain ** | ppSwapChain | ||
) |
Creates a swap chain for Direct3D12-based engine implementation.
[in] | pDevice | - Pointer to the render device |
[in] | pImmediateContext | - Pointer to the immediate device context |
[in] | SCDesc | - Swap chain description |
[in] | pNativeWndHandle | - Platform-specific native handle of the window the swap chain will be associated with:
[out] | ppSwapChain | - Address of the memory location where pointer to the new swap chain will be written |
void Diligent::LoadGraphicsEngineD3D11 | ( | CreateDeviceAndContextsD3D11Type & | CreateDeviceFunc, |
CreateSwapChainD3D11Type & | CreateSwapChainFunc | ||
) |
Loads Direct3D11-based engine implementation and exports factory functions.
[out] | CreateDeviceFunc | - Pointer to the function that creates render device and device contexts. See CreateDeviceAndContextsD3D11(). |
[out] | CreateSwapChainFunc | - Pointer to the function that creates swap chain. See CreateSwapChainD3D11(). |
Platform\Configuration | Debug | Release |
x86 | GraphicsEngineD3D11_32d.dll | GraphicsEngineD3D11_32r.dll |
x64 | GraphicsEngineD3D11_64d.dll | GraphicsEngineD3D11_64r.dll |
void Diligent::LoadGraphicsEngineD3D12 | ( | CreateDeviceAndContextsD3D12Type & | CreateDeviceFunc, |
CreateSwapChainD3D12Type & | CreateSwapChainFunc | ||
) |
Loads Direct3D12-based engine implementation and exports factory functions.
[out] | CreateDeviceFunc | - Pointer to the function that creates render device and device contexts. See CreateDeviceAndContextsD3D12(). |
[out] | CreateSwapChainFunc | - Pointer to the function that creates swap chain. See CreateSwapChainD3D12(). |
Platform\Configuration | Debug | Release |
x86 | GraphicsEngineD3D12_32d.dll | GraphicsEngineD3D12_32r.dll |
x64 | GraphicsEngineD3D12_64d.dll | GraphicsEngineD3D12_64r.dll |
void Diligent::LoadGraphicsEngineOpenGL | ( | CreateDeviceAndSwapChainGLType & | CreateDeviceFunc | ) |
Loads OpenGL-based engine implementation and exports factory functions.
[out] | CreateDeviceFunc | - Pointer to the function that creates render device, device context and swap chain. See CreateDeviceAndSwapChainGL(). |
Platform\Configuration | Debug | Release |
Win32/x86 | GraphicsEngineOpenGL_32d.dll | GraphicsEngineOpenGL_32r.dll |
Win32/x64 | GraphicsEngineOpenGL_64d.dll | GraphicsEngineOpenGL_64r.dll |