Diligent Graphics > Diligent Engine > HLSL to GLSL Source Converter > Supported Features
Supported Features
Supported HLSL version: 5.0
Supported shader types:
- Vertex Shader
- Geometry Shader
- Hull Shader (Tessellation Control Shader)
- Domain Shader (Tessellation Evaluation Shader)
- Pixel Shader (Fragment Shader)
- Compute Shader
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List of supported HLSL objects and methods:
Texture1D :
- void GetDimensions (out {int, uint, float} Width);
- void GetDimensions (in uint MipLevel, out {int, uint, float} Width, out {int, uint, float} NumberOfLevels);
- ret Sample( sampler_state S, float Location [, int Offset] );
- ret SampleBias( sampler_state S, float Location, float Bias [, int Offset] );
- ret SampleLevel( sampler_state S, float Location, float LOD [, int Offset] );
- ret SampleGrad( sampler_state S, float Location, float DDX, float DDY [, int Offset] );
- float SampleCmp( SamplerComparisonState S, float Location, float CompareValue, [int Offset] );
- float SampleCmpLevelZero( SamplerComparisonState S, float Location, float CompareValue, [int Offset] );
- ret Load( int Location, [int Offset ] );
Texture1DArray :
- void GetDimensions( out {int, uint, float} Width, out {int, uint, float} Elements );
- void GetDimensions( in uint MipLevel, out {int, uint, float} Width, out {int, uint, float} Elements, out {int, uint, float} NumberOfLevels );
- ret Sample( sampler_state S, float2 Location [, int Offset] );
- ret SampleBias( sampler_state S, float2 Location, float Bias [, int Offset] );
- ret SampleLevel( sampler_state S, float2 Location, float LOD [, int Offset] );
- ret SampleGrad( sampler_state S, float2 Location, float DDX, float DDY [, int Offset] );
- float SampleCmp( SamplerComparisonState S, float2 Location, float CompareValue, [int Offset] );
- float SampleCmpLevelZero( SamplerComparisonState S, float2 Location, float CompareValue, [int Offset] );
- ret Load( int2 Location, [int Offset ] );
- Remarks:
- Array index goes in Location.y
Texture2D :
- void GetDimensions( out {int, uint, float} Width, out {int, uint, float} Height );
- void GetDimensions( in uint MipLevel, out {int, uint, float} Width, out {int, uint, float} Height, out {int, uint, float} NumberOfLevels );
- ret Sample( sampler_state S, float2 Location [, int2 Offset] );
- ret SampleBias( sampler_state S, float2 Location, float Bias [, int2 Offset] );
- ret SampleLevel( sampler_state S, float2 Location, float LOD [, int2 Offset] );
- ret SampleGrad( sampler_state S, float2 Location, float2 DDX, float2 DDY [, int2 Offset] );
- float SampleCmp( SamplerComparisonState S, float2 Location, float CompareValue, [int2 Offset] );
- float SampleCmpLevelZero( SamplerComparisonState S, float2 Location, float CompareValue [, int2 Offset] );
- ret Load( int2 Location, [int2 Offset ] );
- ret Gather( sampler_state S, float2 Location [, int2 Offset] );
- float4 GatherCmp( SamplerComparisonState S, float2 Location, float CompareValue [, int2 Offset] );
Texture2DArray :
- void GetDimensions( out {int, uint, float} Width, out {int, uint, float} Height, out {int, uint, float} Elements );
- void GetDimensions( in uint MipLevel, out {int, uint, float} Width, out {int, uint, float} Height, out {int, uint, float} Elements, out {int, uint, float} NumberOfLevels );
- ret Sample( sampler_state S, float3 Location [, int2 Offset] );
- ret SampleBias( sampler_state S, float3 Location, float Bias [, int2 Offset] );
- ret SampleLevel( sampler_state S, float3 Location, float LOD [, int2 Offset] );
- ret SampleGrad( sampler_state S, float3 Location, float2 DDX, float2 DDY [, int2 Offset] );
- float SampleCmp( SamplerComparisonState S, float2 Location, float CompareValue [, int2 Offset] );
- ret Load( int Location3 [, int2 Offset ] );
- ret Gather( sampler_state S, float3 Location [, int2 Offset] );
- float4 GatherCmp( SamplerComparisonState S, float3 Location, float CompareValue [, int2 Offset] );
- Remarks:
- Array index goes in Location.z
- SampleCmpLevelZero() is not supported as there is no corresponding OpenGL instruction. The instruction will always return 0.
Texture3D :
- void GetDimensions( out {int, uint, float} Width, out {int, uint, float} Height, out {int, uint, float} Depth );
- void GetDimensions( in uint MipLevel, out {int, uint, float} Width, out {int, uint, float} Height, out {int, uint, float} Depth, out {int, uint, float} NumberOfLevels );
- ret Sample( sampler_state S, float3 Location [, int3 Offset] );
- ret SampleBias( sampler_state S, float3 Location, float Bias [, int3 Offset] );
- ret SampleLevel( sampler_state S, float3 Location, float LOD [, int3 Offset] );
- ret SampleGrad( sampler_state S, float3 Location, float3 DDX, float3 DDY [, int3 Offset] );
- ret Load( int3 Location [, int3 Offset ] );
TextureCube :
- void GetDimensions( out {int, uint, float} Width, out {int, uint, float} Height );
- void GetDimensions( in uint MipLevel, out {int, uint, float} Width, out {int, uint, float} Height, out {int, uint, float} NumberOfLevels );
- ret Sample( sampler_state S, float3 Location );
- ret SampleBias( sampler_state S, float3 Location, float Bias );
- ret SampleLevel( sampler_state S, float3 Location, float LOD ) – NO offset version
- ret SampleGrad( sampler_state S, float3 Location, float3 DDX, float3 DDY );
- float SampleCmp( SamplerComparisonState S, float3 Location, float CompareValue );
- ret Gather( sampler_state S, float3 Location );
- float4 GatherCmp( SamplerComparisonState S, float3 Location, float CompareValue );
- Remarks:
- SampleCmpLevelZero() is not supported as there is no corresponding OpenGL instruction. The instruction will always return 0.
TextureCubeArray :
- void GetDimensions( out {int, uint, float} Width, out {int, uint, float} Height, out {int, uint, float} Elements );
- void GetDimensions( in uint MipLevel, out {int, uint, float} Width, out {int, uint, float} Height, out {int, uint, float} Elements, out {int, uint, float} NumberOfLevels );
- ret Sample( sampler_state S, float4 Location );
- ret SampleBias( sampler_state S, float4 Location, float Bias );
- ret SampleLevel( sampler_state S, float4 Location, float LOD ) – NO offset version
- ret SampleGrad( sampler_state S, float4 Location, float3 DDX, float3 DDY );
- float SampleCmp( SamplerComparisonState S, float4 Location, float CompareValue );
- ret Gather( sampler_state S, float4 Location );
- float4 GatherCmp( SamplerComparisonState S, float4 Location, float CompareValue );
- Remarks:
- SampleCmpLevelZero() is not supported as there is no corresponding OpenGL instruction. The instruction will always return 0.
- Array index goes in Location.w
Texture2DMS :
- void GetDimensions(out {int, uint, float} Width, out {int, uint, float} Height, out {int, uint, float} NumberOfSamples);
- ret Load( int2 Location, int Sample, [int2 Offset ] );
Texture2DMSArray :
- void GetDimensions( out {int, uint, float} Width, out {int, uint, float} Height, out {int, uint, float} Elements, out {int, uint, float} NumberOfSamples );
- ret Load( int3 Location, int Sample, [int2 Offset ] );
RWTexture1D :
- void GetDimensions(out {int, uint, float} Width);
RWTexture1DArray :
- void GetDimensions(out {int, uint, float} Width, out {int, uint, float} Elements);
RWTexture2D :
- void GetDimensions(out {int, uint, float} Width, out {int, uint, float} Height);
RWTexture2DArray :
- void GetDimensions(out {int, uint, float} Width, out {int, uint, float} Height, out {int, uint, float} Elements);
RWTexture3D :
- void GetDimensions(out {int, uint, float} Width, out {int, uint, float} Height, out {int, uint, float} Depth);
- All GetDimensions() functions return valid value in NumberOfLevels only on Desktop GL 4.3+
- For multisampled textures, GetDimensions() always returns 0 in NumberOfSamples .
List of supported HLSL intrinsics:
- abs( {int, int2, int3, int4, float, float2, float3, float4} )
acos( {float, float2, float3, float4} )
- Not supported: acos( {matrix types} )
all( {bool2, bool3, bool4})
- Not supported: all( {bool, int, int2, int3, int4, float, float2, float3, float4, matrix types} )
any( {bool2, bool3, bool4})
- Not supported: any( {bool, int, int2, int3, int4, float, float2, float3, float4, matrix types} )
- asdouble( {uint} )
asfloat( {int, int2, int3, int4, uint, uint2, uint3, uint4, float, float2, float3, float4} )
- Not supported: asfloat( {matrix types} )
asint( {int, int2, int3, int4, uint, uint2, uint3, uint4, float, float2, float3, float4} )
- Not supported: asint( {matrix types} )
asuint( {int, int2, int3, int4, uint, uint2, uint3, uint4, float, float2, float3, float4} )
- Not supported: asuint( {matrix types} )
asin( {float, float2, float3, float4} )
- Not supported: asin( {matrix types} )
atan( {float, float2, float3, float4} )
- Not supported: atan( {matrix types} )
atan2( {float, float2, float3, float4} )
- Not supported: atan2( {matrix types} )
ceil( {float, float2, float3, float4} )
- Not supported: ceil( {matrix types} )
clamp( {int, int2, int3, int4, uint, uint2, uint3, uint4, float, float2, float3, float4} )
- Not supported: clamp( {matrix types} )
cos( {float, float2, float3, float4} )
- Not supported: cos( {matrix types} )
cosh( {float, float2, float3, float4} )
- Not supported: cosh( {matrix types} )
- countbits( {int, int2, int3, int4, uint, uint2, uint3, uint4} )
- cross(float3)
- ddx()
- ddx_coarse() – #defined as ddx()
- ddx_fine() – #defined as ddx()
- ddy()
- ddy_coarse() – #defined as ddy()
- ddy_fine() – #defined as ddy()
degrees( {float, float2, float3, float4} )
- Not supported: degrees( {matrix types} )
- determinant()
- distance( {float, float2, float3, float4} )
dot( {float, float2, float3, float4} )
- Not supported: dot( {int, int2, int3, int4} )
- dst() – #defined as distance()
exp( {float, float2, float3, float4} )
- Not supported: exp( {matrix types} )
exp2( {float, float2, float3, float4} )
- Not supported: exp2( {matrix types} )
- f16tof32( {int, int2, int3, int4, uint, uint2, uint3, uint4} )
- f32tof16( {float, float2, float3, float4} ) -> {uint, uint2, uint3, uint4}
- faceforward( {float, float2, float3, float4} )
- firstbithigh( {int, int2, int3, int4, uint, uint2, uint3, uint4} )
- firstbitlow( {int, int2, int3, int4, uint, uint2, uint3, uint4} )
floor( {float, float2, float3, float4} )
- Not supported: floor( {matrix types} )
- fma( {double, double2, double3, double4} )
fmod( {float, float2, float3, float4} )
- Not supported: fmod( {matrix types} )
frac( {float, float2, float3, float4} )
- Not supported: frac( {matrix types} )
- frexp( {float, float2, float3, float4}, {int, int2, int3, int4} )
- Not supported:
fwidth( {float, float2, float3, float4} )
- Not supported: fwidth( {matrix types} )
- isfinite( {float, float2, float3, float4} ) – implemented as (!isinf(x) && !isnan(x))
isinf( {float, float2, float3, float4} )
- Not supported: isinf( {matrix types} )
isnan( {float, float2, float3, float4} )
- Not supported: isnan( {matrix types} )
- ldexp( {float, float2, float3, float4}, {int, int2, int3, int4} )
- length( {float, float2, float3, float4} )
lerp( {float, float2, float3, float4} )
- Not supported: lerp( {matrix types} )
log( {float, float2, float3, float4} )
- Not supported: log( {matrix types} )
log2( {float, float2, float3, float4} )
- Not supported: log2( {matrix types} )
log10( {float, float2, float3, float4} )
- Not supported: log10( {matrix types} )
mad( {float, float2, float3, float4} )
- Not supported: mad( {matrix types} )
max( {int, int2, int3, int4, uint, uint2, uint3, uint4, float, float2, float3, float4} )
- Not supported: max( {matrix types} )
min( {int, int2, int3, int4, uint, uint2, uint3, uint4, float, float2, float3, float4} )
- Not supported: min( {matrix types} )
modf( {float, float2, float3, float4} )
- Not supported: modf( {int, int2, int3, int4, matrix types} )
- mul – defined as a*b
- noise( {float, float2, float3, float4} )
- normalize( {float, float2, float3, float4} )
pow( {float, float2, float3, float4} )
- Not supported: pow( {matrix types} )
radians( {float, float2, float3, float4} )
- Not supported: radians( {matrix types} )
- rcp( {float, float2, float3, float4} ) – defined as 1.0/(x)
- reflect( {float, float2, float3, float4} )
- refract( {float, float2, float3, float4} )
- reversebits( {int, int2, int3, int4, uint, uint2, uint3, uint4} )
round( {float, float2, float3, float4} )
- Not supported: round( {matrix types} )
rsqrt( {float, float2, float3, float4} )
- Not supported: rsqrt( {matrix types} )
- saturate( {float, float2, float3, float4} )
sign( {float, float2, float3, float4, int, int2, int3, int4} )
- Not supported: sign( {matrix types} )
sin( {float, float2, float3, float4} )
- Not supported: sin( {matrix types} )
sinh( {float, float2, float3, float4} )
- Not supported: sinh( {matrix types} )
- sincos( {float, float2, float3, float4} )
smoothstep( {float, float2, float3, float4} )
- Not supported: smoothstep( {matrix types} )
sqrt( {float, float2, float3, float4} )
- Not supported: sqrt( {matrix types} )
step( {float, float2, float3, float4} )
- Not supported: step( {matrix types} )
tan( {float, float2, float3, float4} )
- Not supported: tan( {matrix types} )
- tanh( {float, float2, float3, float4} ) Not supported: tanh( {matrix types} )
- transpose
trunc( {float, float2, float3, float4} )
- Not supported: trunc( {matrix types} )
- AllMemoryBarrier() – calls all memory barrier functions in gl
- AllMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync()
- DeviceMemoryBarrier() – calls image, atomic counter & buffer memory barriers
- DeviceMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync()
- GroupMemoryBarrier() – calls group memory & shared memory barriers
- GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync()
- InterlockedAdd( {int, uint} )
- InterlockedAnd( {int, uint} )
- InterlockedCompareExchange( {int, uint} )
- InterlockedCompareStore( {int, uint} )
- InterlockedExchange( {int, uint} )
- InterlockedMax( {int, uint} )
- InterlockedMin( {int, uint} )
- InterlockedOr( {int, uint} )
- InterlockedXor( {int, uint} )