Diligent Graphics > Uncategorized > Release v2.4.d: MSAA, Queries, Bindless Resources, Unit Tests, Format Validation
Release v2.4.d: MSAA, Queries, Bindless Resources, Unit Tests, Format Validation
This release implements a number of new features: MSAA, Queries, Bindless Resources. It also makes a major improvement to code quality assurance by enabling automated unit testing, format validation and static code analysis.
- Enabled bindless resources
- Enabled MSAA
- Implemented queries
- Various API improvements
- Added Tutorial16 – Bindless Resources
- Added Tutorial17 – MSAA
- Added Tutorial18 – Queries
- Removed RenderScript and Lua
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API Changes
- Added Queries
- Added AdapterType member to DeviceCaps struct
- Added IDeviceContextGL::SetSwapChain and IRenderDeviceGL::CreateDummyTexture methods
- Removed IDeviceContext::SetSwapChain method
- Added GetVkInstance and GetVkPhysicalDevice methods to IRenderDeviceVk interface
- Added HLSLSemantic member to LayoutElement struct
- Added ResolveTextureSubresource device context command, removed SamplesCount member of the SwapChainDesc
- Added APIVersion member to EngineCreateInfo struct
- Added IDeviceObject::GetUniqueID method
- Added IDeviceContextD3D12::LockCommandQueue, IDeviceContextD3D12::UnlockCommandQueue, IDeviceContextVk::LockCommandQueue, and IDeviceContextVk::UnlockCommandQueue methods
- Added EnableGPUBasedValidation member to EngineD3D12CreateInfo struct
- Added HLSLVersion, GLSLVersion and GLESSLVersion to ShaderCreateInfo struct
- Renamed EngineD3D11DebugFlags to D3D11_DEBUG_FLAGS
- Split up Draw command into Draw, DrawIndexed, DrawIndirect and DrawIndexedIndirect. Split up DispatchCompute command into DispatchCompute and DispatchComputeInidrect.
- Enabled bindless resources
- Removed SHADER_PROFILE enum
- Added DIRECT3D_FEATURE_LEVEL and DIRECT3D_FEATURE_LEVEL MinimumFeatureLevel member to EngineD3D11CreateInfo and EngineD3D12CreateInfo structs (API Version 240032)
- Updated IEngineFactoryD3D11::EnumerateHardwareAdapters, IEngineFactoryD3D11::EnumerateDisplayModes,
- IEngineFactoryD3D12::EnumerateHardwareAdapters, IEngineFactoryD3D12::EnumerateDisplayModes to take minimum feature level.
- Added bBindlessSupported member to DeviceCaps struct.