Diligent Engine API Reference
This is the complete list of members for Diligent::IDeviceContextD3D11, including all inherited members.
AddRef()=0 | Diligent::IObject | pure virtual |
ClearDepthStencil(ITextureView *pView, Uint32 ClearFlags=CLEAR_DEPTH_FLAG, float fDepth=1.f, Uint8 Stencil=0)=0 | Diligent::IDeviceContext | pure virtual |
ClearRenderTarget(ITextureView *pView, const float *RGBA=nullptr)=0 | Diligent::IDeviceContext | pure virtual |
ClearState()=0 | Diligent::IDeviceContext | pure virtual |
CommitShaderResources(IShaderResourceBinding *pShaderResourceBinding, Uint32 Flags)=0 | Diligent::IDeviceContext | pure virtual |
DispatchCompute(const DispatchComputeAttribs &DispatchAttrs)=0 | Diligent::IDeviceContext | pure virtual |
Draw(DrawAttribs &DrawAttribs)=0 | Diligent::IDeviceContext | pure virtual |
ExecuteCommandList(class ICommandList *pCommandList)=0 | Diligent::IDeviceContext | pure virtual |
FinishCommandList(class ICommandList **ppCommandList)=0 | Diligent::IDeviceContext | pure virtual |
Flush()=0 | Diligent::IDeviceContext | pure virtual |
GetD3D11DeviceContext()=0 | Diligent::IDeviceContextD3D11 | pure virtual |
GetReferenceCounters() const =0 | Diligent::IObject | pure virtual |
QueryInterface(const Diligent::INTERFACE_ID &IID, IObject **ppInterface)=0 | Diligent::IDeviceContext | pure virtual |
Release()=0 | Diligent::IObject | pure virtual |
SetBlendFactors(const float *pBlendFactors=nullptr)=0 | Diligent::IDeviceContext | pure virtual |
SetIndexBuffer(IBuffer *pIndexBuffer, Uint32 ByteOffset)=0 | Diligent::IDeviceContext | pure virtual |
SetPipelineState(IPipelineState *pPipelineState)=0 | Diligent::IDeviceContext | pure virtual |
SetRenderTargets(Uint32 NumRenderTargets, ITextureView *ppRenderTargets[], ITextureView *pDepthStencil)=0 | Diligent::IDeviceContext | pure virtual |
SetScissorRects(Uint32 NumRects, const Rect *pRects, Uint32 RTWidth, Uint32 RTHeight)=0 | Diligent::IDeviceContext | pure virtual |
SetStencilRef(Uint32 StencilRef)=0 | Diligent::IDeviceContext | pure virtual |
SetVertexBuffers(Uint32 StartSlot, Uint32 NumBuffersSet, IBuffer **ppBuffers, Uint32 *pStrides, Uint32 *pOffsets, Uint32 Flags)=0 | Diligent::IDeviceContext | pure virtual |
SetViewports(Uint32 NumViewports, const Viewport *pViewports, Uint32 RTWidth, Uint32 RTHeight)=0 | Diligent::IDeviceContext | pure virtual |
TransitionShaderResources(IPipelineState *pPipelineState, IShaderResourceBinding *pShaderResourceBinding)=0 | Diligent::IDeviceContext | pure virtual |