Diligent Graphics > Uncategorized > Release v2.4.b is out with improved shader reflection, pipeline resource layouts and more
Release v2.4.b is out with improved shader reflection, pipeline resource layouts and more
This release improves pipeline state resource layout definition – variable types and static samplers are now defined during PSO initialization rather than shader creation. This release also introduces new Module – DiligentFX, a high-level renderer as well as Tutorial12 – Render Target, features improved OpenGLES3.0 support and more.
Full Release Notes:
- Added cmake options to disable specific back-ends and glslang
- Improved engine support of GLES3.0 devices
- Added new module – DiligentFX, a high-level rendering framework
- Reworked light scattering post-processing effect to be ready-to-use component
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API changes
- Updated IRenderDevice::CreateTexture() and IRenderDevice::CreateBuffer() to take pointer to initialization data rather than references.
- Added LayoutElement::AutoOffset and LayoutElement::AutoOffset values to use instead of 0 when automatically computing input layout elements offset and strides.
- Renamed factory interfaces and headers:
- IRenderDeviceFactoryD3D11 -> IEngineFactoryD3D11 , RenderDeviceFactoryD3D11.h -> EngineFactoryD3D11.h
- IRenderDeviceFactoryD3D12 -> IEngineFactoryD3D12 , RenderDeviceFactoryD3D12.h -> EngineFactoryD3D12.h
- IRenderDeviceFactoryOpenGL -> IEngineFactoryOpenGL , RenderDeviceFactoryOpenGL.h -> EngineFactoryOpenGL.h
- IRenderDeviceFactoryVk -> IEngineFactoryVk , RenderDeviceFactoryVk.h -> EngineFactoryVk.h
- IRenderDeviceFactoryMtl -> IEngineFactoryMtl , RenderDeviceFactoryMtl.h -> EngineFactoryMtl.h
- Renamed IShaderVariable -> IShaderResourceVariable
- Renamed ShaderVariableDesc -> ShaderResourceVariableDesc
- Moved shader variable type and static sampler definition from shader creation to PSO creation stage:
- Removed IShader::GetVariable , IShader::GetVariableCount , and IShader::BindResources methods
- Added IPipelineState::BindStaticResoruces , IPipelineState::BindStaticResoruces , IPipelineState::GetStaticVariableCount, and IPipelineState::GetStaticShaderVariable methods
- Added PipelineResourceLayoutDesc structure and ResourceLayout member to PipelineStateDesc
- Added ShaderResourceDesc structure
- Added IShader::GetResourceCount and IShader::GetResource methods
- Replaced IShaderVariable::GetArraySize and IShaderVariable::GetName methods with IShaderResourceVariable::GetResourceDesc method
- Added HLSLShaderResourceDesc structure as well as IShaderResourceVariableD3D and IShaderResourceVariableD3D interfaces to query HLSL-specific shader resource description (shader register)
- With the new API, shader initialization and pipeline state creation changed as shown below.
Old API:
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RefCntAutoPtr<IShader> pVS; { CreationAttribs.Desc.ShaderType = SHADER_TYPE_VERTEX; CreationAttribs.EntryPoint = "main"; CreationAttribs.Desc.Name = "Cube VS"; CreationAttribs.FilePath = "cube.vsh"; pDevice->CreateShader(CreationAttribs, &pVS); pVS->GetShaderVariable("Constants")->Set(m_VSConstants); } RefCntAutoPtr<IShader> pPS; { CreationAttribs.Desc.ShaderType = SHADER_TYPE_PIXEL; CreationAttribs.EntryPoint = "main"; CreationAttribs.Desc.Name = "Cube PS"; CreationAttribs.FilePath = "cube.psh"; ShaderVariableDesc Vars[] = { {"g_Texture", SHADER_VARIABLE_TYPE_MUTABLE} }; CreationAttribs.Desc.VariableDesc = Vars; CreationAttribs.Desc.NumVariables = _countof(Vars); SamplerDesc SamLinearClampDesc( FILTER_TYPE_LINEAR, FILTER_TYPE_LINEAR, FILTER_TYPE_LINEAR, TEXTURE_ADDRESS_CLAMP, TEXTURE_ADDRESS_CLAMP, TEXTURE_ADDRESS_CLAMP); StaticSamplerDesc StaticSamplers[] = { {"g_Texture", SamLinearClampDesc} }; CreationAttribs.Desc.StaticSamplers = StaticSamplers; CreationAttribs.Desc.NumStaticSamplers = _countof(StaticSamplers); pDevice->CreateShader(CreationAttribs, &pPS); } // ... pDevice->CreatePipelineState(PSODesc, &m_pPSO); |
New API:
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RefCntAutoPtr<IShader> pVS; { ShaderCI.Desc.ShaderType = SHADER_TYPE_VERTEX; ShaderCI.EntryPoint = "main"; ShaderCI.Desc.Name = "Cube VS"; ShaderCI.FilePath = "cube.vsh"; pDevice->CreateShader(ShaderCI, &pVS); } RefCntAutoPtr<IShader> pVS; { ShaderCI.Desc.ShaderType = SHADER_TYPE_VERTEX; ShaderCI.EntryPoint = "main"; ShaderCI.Desc.Name = "Cube VS"; ShaderCI.FilePath = "cube.vsh"; pDevice->CreateShader(ShaderCI, &pVS); } // ... ShaderResourceVariableDesc Vars[] = { {SHADER_TYPE_PIXEL, "g_Texture", SHADER_RESOURCE_VARIABLE_TYPE_MUTABLE} }; PSODesc.ResourceLayout.Variables = Vars; PSODesc.ResourceLayout.NumVariables = _countof(Vars); // Define static sampler for g_Texture. Static samplers should be used whenever possible SamplerDesc SamLinearClampDesc( FILTER_TYPE_LINEAR, FILTER_TYPE_LINEAR, FILTER_TYPE_LINEAR, TEXTURE_ADDRESS_CLAMP, TEXTURE_ADDRESS_CLAMP, TEXTURE_ADDRESS_CLAMP); StaticSamplerDesc StaticSamplers[] = { {SHADER_TYPE_PIXEL, "g_Texture", SamLinearClampDesc} }; PSODesc.ResourceLayout.StaticSamplers = StaticSamplers; PSODesc.ResourceLayout.NumStaticSamplers = _countof(StaticSamplers); pDevice->CreatePipelineState(PSODesc, &m_pPSO); m_pPSO->GetStaticShaderVariable(SHADER_TYPE_VERTEX, "Constants")->Set(m_VSConstants); |
Samples and Tutorials
- Added Tutorial12 – Render Target (credits to dolphineye for contribution)
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